National Service Scheme

The National Service Scheme (NSS), aiming the development of the

personality of the student youth of our country was introduced in Polytechnic

Colleges under the Directorate of Technical Education in the State of Tamil

Nadu in the year 1983-84. Initially, it was implemented only in 10 Polytechnic

Colleges with an allocation of 1000 volunteers. At present 328 Polytechnic

Colleges are involved in the implementation of NSS activities through 435 units

with the coverage of 43500 NSS volunteers.

The activities are broadly classified as (1) Regular Activities and (2) Special Camping Programme. The students enrolled under NSS have to render 120 hours of community development activities in a year under regular activities and stay in the adopted village for 7 days in a special camping programme and undertake need based activities.

Tmt.U.K.S.Anura M.A., M.Phil, is in charge of National Service scheme.