Rules and Regulation


  1. Students should comply with all regulations issued from time to time by the principal. Indiscipline, misconduct or irregularity will render a student liable for fine, suspension or even summary dismissed from the industry.
  2. Students should preserve the cleanliness of the premises. They should not scribble or deface the walls, furniture or floor.  Furniture should not be handled roughly.
  3. Students should take care to avoid damage to furniture, tools and apparatus. In case of damage due to willful or careless handling, the cost will be recovered from the students concerned with fine.
  4. Students are not being allowed to convene or address any meeting except with the permission of the principal.
  5. No outsiders may be invited to preside over, address or otherwise take part in a meeting or gathering in the institute without the prior approval of the principal.
  6. Outsiders will not be permitted to call on a student while the latter is in the class. The permission of the lecturer taking the class should be obtained in urgent cases.
  7. No students should leave the lecture hall or typewriting hall or computer practical class without the permission of the concerned lecturer. No one should entire a class room after the commencement of the class without the permission of the lecturer.
  8. Every student is to conduct himself at all times and in all places in such a matter as to bring credit to himself/herself and to the institute.